Friday, July 9, 2010

Let go..(some advice i need to take from myself)

In my first year at Spelman I took on emotional repression as a topic for a research paper in my English class. I voiced how women can benefit from repressing some of their emotions and I used a plethora of examples to defend my point. Now, as a rising junior and with a little bit more love/life experience I say eff that!! Women have gone through too much for us to suppress anything. I rephrase Black Women have gone through too much for us to repress anything. I do not mean to disregard the struggle of all women because yes it has definitely been a challenging run to get to where they r today (although we still aren't far along enough yet being that there are more women graduating from college and still men's salary average higher...but thts another story) But as a black woman that can understand the struggle not just through personal experience but that of our ancestors I say SPEAK UP!! In our culture black women have been labeled as bitter, fussy, ghetto, loud, overly emotional. etc. So being the type of person that I am I thought it better to stay away from these stereotypes and be a little more nonchalant..(the label to my blog) So now with years of practice, I have developed into that woman. And I must say although it had its benefits I lost sight of some things because I used logic for almost every major decision i ever mad in life and buried my valid emotions in one called pride. So what has it done for me you might ask? has definitely made me appear "different"..u know the girl thts not like the others...the girl that can play the game without even seeming like it cuz it looks like she doesn't care...well i began to think i don't care...i mean when you start to serve as a peer counselor to your friends that have been hurt and played countless times your walls only become thicker and your skills to escape the hurt become more advanced..but think about dare we allow black men to subjugate our downfall when they should really be our support systems?...some food for thought don't wanna get too detailed

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